Top 10 Hand Strategy in Poker

This is,by far, one of the most vital concepts in Texas Holdem. Playing a top ten strategy is the very initial strategy that players should acquire because it teaches the competitor excellent habits that will lead to following winnings.

People are always asking me what a good, solid technique is for a amateur participating in hold’em. My response is constantly the same, employ a top 10 strategy.

Top Ten strategy, refers to the top 10 pockets hands that you are able to get. These hands are ace-ace, KK, QQ, AK suited, JJ, TT, nine-nine, eight-eight, ace-queen suited, and seven-seven. The tactic suggests that you only play these hands. This will lead to extremely conservative play, but for a newcomer to texas holdem, conservatively is exactly how you should to play.

It appears to me that I am always seeing new players participating very boldly, they are the 1st ones to go all in, and that is typically the wrong course of action. If these amateur players would stick to a top ten poker tactic, they would come out much more in the long run. More notably, this reserved top ten poker tactic will teach the beginning player patience, which is the most vital virtue that a texas hold’em competitor can have.

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